HS Flamingo Company profile

HS Flamingo s.r.o. is a Czech manufacturer of high quality fireplace stoves and fireplace inserts. The distribution is conducted through three major Flamingo, Aquaflam and Masterflamme sales brands. We are a purely Czech company with a strong background and dynamic drive.

The aim of our company is to create a product portfolio that, by its quality, price and complexity, will satisfy both professionals in this field and our end customers. HS Flamingo is a strong and modern company which, thanks to its experience and position on the Czech market, offers many above-standard services for both wholesale customers and its end customers.

Our company is very successful in conquering the European market, where it has already created its position and is still expanding. We offer our foreign partners a very high-quality product that will compare favourably with global competition.

Our Brands

Our story

We were 22 and 33 years old, two friends from a taxi service. The older one was building a house and looking for a fireplace. He found one, but only in France. He said to the younger: “Shall we import them?”

That’s how it started. The trip was thorny, interesting, it was a challenge, a dream of a big business. We succeeded. We’re still here. We manufacture, import, the journey is even more thorny and even more interesting 🙂 We are here to offer you the best and always something extra.

Foundation of HS Flamingo
Plans are being developed, cooperation with suppliers and customers is starting. We start importing goods and a year later we are establishing HS Flamingo s.r.o.
From Imports to Our Own Production
In 2009 we produced our first product: Fireplace Stove HS Flamingo. And we started to promote it, sell it and to hope that it will succeed among European competitors. Now over 10,000 units have been sold. Thank you
The Aquaflam Brand is Created
It is the year 2010 and Aquaflam fireplace inserts become very significant. We managed to develop a unique system of combustion and heat transfer. Water heaters with a maximum output of 21 kW are now in great demand throughout Europe. We exhibit for the first time at the construction fair in Brno.
From Fireplace Inserts to Stoves
Great demand has prompted us to expand our product range to include Aquaflam stoves. We have maintained the combustion chamber and added modern cladding. The right choice that has moved us further. A year later, we are exhibiting at the ISH in Frankfurt, Germany.
Aquaflam Vario
Another novelty – variable heat exchanger. Hot-water and hot-air version. A total of 4 designs, with tiles or lacquered. A successful product demanded by most customers, especially in Central Europe. Aquaflam.cz website is being created.
Tubular Stove Masterflamme
We digressed a little in technology and design, but it seemed interesting and practical to us. Panoramic glass, beautiful view of flames. For someone a workshop stove, for others a design contrast to the living room. We exhibit for the first time at the fireplace and stove fair in Verona, Italy.
We’ve opened a Sales office in Hradec Králové
We come from a beautiful region in the border area, but capable people live not only here. We try to get closer to those farther from us. We open a sales office in Hradec Králové.
Flamingo Deluxe Stove
The Flamingo DELUXE fireplace stove is a result of our cooperation with the Prague UMPRUM. Our flagship brings freshness to our assortment with new design, but especially in perfect burning. We’re starting to work closely with university students.
Tiles are IN
We are starting using tiles. Bali is the first to have a rustic look. The tile pattern is called “Confessional” and was created in our design studio. We are gradually preparing more models in a modern look.
We Have Clear Goals
On visual as well as functional development, we cooperate with universities . We still have a lot of ideas and we still enjoy it. Be surprised, the news will really great …
Fireplace inserts Flamingo
Challenging developlment brought a result. A new fireplace inserts with an unique combustion across the whole firebox. Thanks to the easy control and comfortable door handling they aim to be one of the most popular on the market.

HS Flamingo Showroom

We look forward to your visit in Broumov in our sample store

We Save the planet

Vy­tří­děn­í, svoz, do­tří­dě­ní a vy­u­ži­tí po­u­ži­tých obalů

Spo­leč­nost HS Fla­min­go s.r.o. je za­po­je­na do sys­té­mu sdru­že­né­ho pl­ně­ní EKO-KOM pod kli­ent­ským čís­lem F00060816. Tento sys­tém, za­lo­že­ný na spo­lu­prá­ci pod­ni­ků, měst a obcí za­jiš­ťu­je, aby od­pa­dy z po­u­ži­tých obalů byly spo­tře­bi­te­lem vy­tří­dě­ny, sve­ze­ny sbě­ro­vou tech­ni­kou, do­tří­dě­ny a ko­neč­ně vy­u­ži­ty jako dru­hot­ná su­ro­vi­na nebo pří­pad­ně jako zdroj ener­gie.

Za­bez­pe­če­ní zpět­né­ho od­bě­ru a efek­tiv­ní recyk­la­ce od­pa­dů

Jsme sou­čás­tí pro­jek­tu Ze­le­ná firma® - ochra­na ži­vot­ní­ho pro­stře­dí a eli­mi­na­ce ne­ga­tiv­ní­ho do­pa­du lid­ských čin­nos­tí po­mo­cí efek­tiv­ní­ho za­bez­pe­če­ní zpět­né­ho od­bě­ru a efek­tiv­ní recyk­la­ce od­pa­dů elek­tric­kých a elek­tro­nic­kých za­ří­ze­ní. Pro veš­ke­rá elek­tric­ká a elek­tro­nic­ká za­ří­ze­ní vy­rá­bě­ná a do­vá­že­ná fir­mou HS Fla­min­go s.r.o. je v ceně za­hr­nut recyk­lač­ní po­pla­tek REMA sys­té­mu.

Integrujeme se s EU

HS Flamingo s.r.o.

Testování stavebního výrobku určeného k vytápění místností je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

HS Flamingo s.r.o.

Spalovací zařízení na pelety s akumulační funkcí zdravého sálavého tepla a automatickou regulací hoření je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

HS Flamingo s.r.o.

Vývoj nového typu interiérových kamen do nízkoenergetických a pasivních domů je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.